The 76th IKCEST Training Programme for Silk Road Engineering Science and Technology Development was held online from August 18th to Sept. 6th, 2020. It was co-hosted by the International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (shortened as “IKCEST”) under the Auspices of UNESCO, Xi’an Jiaotong University, and was organized by IKCEST Silk Road Training Base. 67 students from belt-road countries such as Philippines and Thailand participated in this training programme.
There were two themes on this training programme, which are “Prevention and Control of COVID-19” and “Concise Circuits”. The following lectures were included in “Prevention and Control of COVID-19”: A series of lectures on COVID-19, From the Quarantine to Cloud Computing, Brief introduction to Big Data Technology and platforms, Several applications of Big Data Technology, Reflection on Modern Management under Epidemic Situation:A perspective from System Dynamics(SD), Introduction to Machine Learning, Application of advanced polymer materials in medical supplies. The course of “Concise Circuits” included six parts: fundamentals of circuits, dynamic circuits, AC circuits, general analysis techniques for circuits, extensions of circuit knowledge, applications of circuit knowledge.
A combined approach of video-on-demand (shortened as VOD) study, online discussion and after-class practicing were employed in the online training. The students freely arranged the learning schedule to complete online learning tasks, and had active discussion during the training.
Up till recently, 76 sessions of IKCEST Training Programmes for Silk Road Engineering Science and Technology Development have been held by Silk Road Training Base, training more than 7,000 foreign students from 115 countries and staff from some export-oriented Chinese Companies. This training programme plays an important role in cultivating talents and promoting the Belt and Road Initiative. In the Meanwhile, it also made important contributions to the economic and social development of European, Asian and African Belt-road countries and regions.
The International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (shortened as “IKCEST”) is a category II centre under the auspices of UNESCO. IKCEST was established on June 2, 2014. The Chinese Academy of Engineering is responsible for the operation and management of the IKCEST. IKCEST aims to provide knowledge-based services at global scale in the form of consultancies, scientific research and education for policy-makers and engineering science and technology professionals in the world, with particular reference to the developing countries. In February 2017, based in Xi'an Jiaotong University, IKCEST Silk Road Training Base was established, which aims to train more engineering and technological talents for Belt-Road countries.
