English for Communication (EFC) and
Chinese for Communication (CFC)
In addition to English and Chinese classes, students will take a communication course. This course is designed for students to apply their knowledge learned in the classroom into everyday communication, including writing and speaking. Grades 1-9 and grade 12 will take an EFC and CFC course once a week. Each lesson will be taught in an engaging manner to help build students' speaking fluency and confidence.
Grade Level Course Guidelines:
Early Primary (Grades 1-3)
Developing basic conversation skills in the following areas: asking questions, identifying objects, answering questions, following simple instructions, and starting and maintaining the day-to-day conversation.
Primary (Grades 4-6)
Developing practical communication skills in the following areas: expressing personal narratives, written instructions, describing objects and expressing opinions.
Secondary (Grades 7-9)
Developing diverse verbal and non-verbal communication in the following areas: signals, body language, etiquette in various situations, and understanding how to communication in cross-cultural situations.
Grade 12
Enhancing learners’ ability to use foreign languages in various situations in the world community with the application of cultural appropriation.
English as a Second Language program is a literacy program that is designed for students whose primary language(s) or language(s) at home is not English and who may, therefore, require additional support in order to develop their English language skills and their individual potential within the school system.

Chinese as an Additional Language program is designed for students whose primary language(s) is not Chinese and who may, therefore, require additional support in order to develop their Chinese language skills and their individual potential within the school system. CAL is teaching the language of the Chinese curriculum to support the linguistic demands of the Chinese subject in school. CAL needs to be content-based.
Chinese as an Additional Language program is designed for students whose native language is Chinese who would like to enhance, master and explore the semantics of the Chinese language.

Thai as an Additional Language program is designed for students whose primary language(s) is not Thai and are therefore require additional support to develop their Thai language skills to be able to adapt with the culture they are in and their individual potential within the school system.