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Grade 11

Public·14 members

Welcome back everyone! My name is Teacher Mariel and I will be your Chemistry and Physics teacher for this semester. I hope that you are all doing well and safe. We will be on a journey this semester to gain knowledge, make ourselves better and have fun while learning.

Please take a look of my introductory video for a start. For the meantime, we will be using Google Classroom for our lessons and activities. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Again, welcome to our learning community and see you all soon!


Teacher Mariel

Good day my dear students! I am Teacher Honey and I'll be your Social Studies and Global History teacher for this semester. I hope you are doing fine and safe right now. We are facing an unexpected pandemic nowadays but let's not be discouraged and still learn new things in class with the use of the online teaching-learning approach. Please join our Google Classroom with the code "6zlo46l" Kindly take a look at the video below for you to have an overview of our lessons.

Stay Safe Everyone!

Hi students! This is our first online activity. In this activity, we are going to fast track how Covid-19 started in the different countries of the world. *Watch the video. *Don't forget to join our Google Classroom. code "6zlo46l" *Please do follow the instructions. For questions just send me a message through the following: email: line id:

Hi students! Welcome to our new learning platform. I am Teacher Kris and I'll be your Grammar Teacher for this semester. I hope that you are safe in the comfort of your homes. I know that we are all eager and excited to learn and start our school year, so to get going you can watch the video below to have an overview about our lessons this semester. Let's learn together and be productive amidst this pandemic.

Please join our google classroom with the code "damrpd7"

Stay healthy and keep safe!

เรียน ท่านผู้ปกครองโรงเรียนทานตะวันไตรภาษา

เรื่อง มาตรการการจัดการเรียนการสอนเพื่อรับมือการแพร่ระบาดของโรค

โควิค 19

ด้วยโรงเรียนทานตะวันไตรภาษา เล็งเห็นถึงความสำคัญของ


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